Displaying items by tag: Trypanosoma cruzi infection Chagas Disease: Current Epidemiological Trends after the Interruption of Vectorial and Transfusional Transmission in the Southern Cone Countries Alvaro Moncayo PAGE: 577-591 Etiological Treatment for Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi Vicente Amato Neto PAGE: 337-339 Emerging and reemerging forms of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission Maria Aparecida Shikanai Yasuda DOI: 10.1590/0074-02760210033
Chagas Disease: Current Epidemiological Trends after the Interruption of Vectorial and Transfusional Transmission in the Southern Cone Countries Alvaro Moncayo PAGE: 577-591
Emerging and reemerging forms of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission Maria Aparecida Shikanai Yasuda DOI: 10.1590/0074-02760210033